We are living through unprecedented times. The global pandemic, COVID-19, is affecting businesses dramatically. With the government mandating dental offices to only see emergency patients until May 8th, you are finding yourself in a period where you are not seeing patients.As this is not ideal, the silver-lining is that it can give you and your team the time to knock out some projects that need to be done that you are not able to do when you are busy with patients.Here are some ideas to stay productive and proactive so that when business picks up again, you’ll be poised and ready to jump back in with increased productivity and efficiency.

Get Remote access set up for you and your staff

ClearDental can set you and your team with remote access from home to be able to access everything that is on your desktop at the office. This way, you can still get things done while working from home.

Practice Management Software updates

Many practices are still running outdated software. Software updates have to be done while everyone is out of the system. This is a great time to get your software up to the latest versions and take advantage of new features you may be missing out on. ClearDental can even do these updates remotely for you.

Update outdated, non compliant hardware

As you all know, Windows 7 and Server 2008 are no longer supported and no longer HIPAA complaint. This is a great time to get these computers and servers updated with no patient interruption and bring your practice back up to HIPAA compliance.

Update templates within practice management software

If you find yourself typing the same notes over, and over, and over, consider creating templates to save you time. There any many options in most practice management softwares to create these templates to make things more efficient for your practice.

Inactivate old provider, staff and insurance plans

Another clean up task that rarely gets done during busy times, is cleaning out inactive providers, staff, or insurance plans in your software. This task can only be done when everyone is out of your system. This is a great time to do this to clean up those reports.

Update website and social media pages

Need to freshen up your website and social media pages? We can help with that. Now is a great time to make sure you are present in all popular social avenues. Facebook, Instagram, Google Business pages. etc. This is a great time to reach out to patients to try and get some reviews listed as well.

Setting up Virtual consultations

Did you know you can set up virtual consultations? You can web chat with patients and we can help you with that set up.

Taking a closer look at claims

Now is a great time to be sure you’re getting the money you’ve already earned. There are many reports that can be run in your practice management software to check on this .We can help you navigate and pull those reports.

Take Free Online CE Courses

There are many online CE courses available. Take this time to get your team more educated in the dental world. We can help you get a list of available courses if you are interested.

Go Paperless

If you haven’t yet, take this time to go paperless! Turn all of your patient forms, consents, and medical histories, and turn them into e forms. Depending on your practice management software, there are different ways to do this and we are here to help!

Wire Management & Computer Clean up

Tired of looking at those messy wires bunched up under your desk? Use this time to have us come and get all of that cleaned up for you. Additionally, this a great time to blow out and get rid of dust and germs that have collected on your computers and servers. 

This is indeed a challenging season as we navigate frequent and significant changes to our “normal.”Staying productive and proactive during this slow time will have your team poised and ready to take even better care of your patients when you return to normal operations.

We are here for you – if you need anything, please reach out in the way that’s most convenient for you!We will all get through this together.

-Team ClearDental
